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Searching for experienced figure skating coach

Oslo Idrettslag are looking to hire a figure skating coach to add to our coach team with Veronika Vrtelova and Denis Lazarev.

We are looking for a highly motivated individual who is both positive and professional that would complement our coaching team. You are a coach with relevant experience in teaching figure skating. You have technical knowledge in all levels and expertise to add to the club’s current development of jumping skills from single to double to triple rotation jumps. We are looking for someone with strong communication skills and an ability to work with skaters, coaches, parents and board members.

Additional experience that can enhance application:

  • diploma or degree in sports / physical education.

The successful candidate must be prepared to be involved in all aspects of club activities and available to work on evenings and weekends.

Oslo Idrettslag has about 30 active skaters ranging all the way from Oppvisning to Junior and Senior. We will offer you to be a part of a strong coaching team with dedicated skaters.

For further information and / or to admit your application please contact our chairman Tom Pettersen at Tompettersen2003@Yahoo.no

2 thoughts on “Searching for experienced figure skating coach

  • nancy di giuseppe


    Are you still searching for a coach?

    • Karoline Røed Tønnesen

      Hi Nancy. We currently have all the coaches we need, thank you for your interest.


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